Welcome, Dear Beneficiary, to the End of Thyme Dinner and Reading of the Will of the Great Sage rosemary N. Thyme!

We are very excited you accepted the ‘invitation’ to come and witness the reading of The Great Sage Rosemary N. Thyme’s Last Will and Testament on New Years Eve 2019!

There are a few things we’d like you to know beforehand so you can maximize your benefits of attending – after all, the Great Sage was a powerful and influential figure and shaker in the top shelf circle of the Rich and Infamous, and all sorts of surprises could be in store!

Between now and then, you will also receive email reminders which will include logistics and pertinent updates.

One Week Out

The week before the event you will receive, 2 important communications from Conundrum House’s Librarian Georgie Brack: 1) an e-mail with a link to your secret page for your character; and 2) sometime after that (in the mail, hand-delivered, or you pick up) a package of materials which are specific to the character you selected for the evening in question. The package will include a biography and history of your character, and a number of juicy bits of gossip and dirt you (only you!) know about some of the other characters moving and shifting about in the Great Sage’s circles.

In this package we also provide some suggestions for what costume your character might typically adorn for such auspicious occasions as a Reading of a Will! These are just suggestions and mostly for your benefit to assist in getting into character, but a lot of fun to explore and play with – highly recommended to immerse yourself into the role!

The Auspicious Evening of the Reading of the Great Sage’s Last Will & Testament


  • 6:00 PM  Arrive for libations & litigious libelous conversation
  • 6:30 PM  Be seated for Dinner (and more “friendly” conversation)
  • 7:45 PM  Retire to the Living Room for the Reading of the Will
  • 8:15 PM  Tea and scones are served. Accusations Fly!
  • 8:45 PM  A Guilty (?) party is trussed up and served to the authorities!

To Ensure You Receive Your Information in a Thymely Manner, please fill out the contact form below with all the details requested. Thank You!!!

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Sincerely Yours,

Fische, Blarney and Stone.